Thursday, October 29, 2009

Petition for Columbia St. traffic calming and safety!!!

In light of recent accidents and ongoing traffic issues along Columbia St, many of our readers, contacts, and friends in the community have expressed real concern about safety and noise issues.

As a result, we have decided to put together a petition. When complete, we will forward it to the DOT and other city agencies and officials.

There are several ways that you can sign this petition:

1) Come to the Halloween event at Mother Cabrini Park/the Urban Meadow this Saturday from 10-12am. We will have the petition available at one of our tables.

2) Stop by the Coffee Den anytime next week. They have agreed to have petition forms available.

3) If neither of these options work for you, please email us and we'll work something out.

Finally, if you have time and are passionate about this issue, we also invite you to collect signatures from your friends and neighbors. Please contact us if interested.

Haven't been following this issue recently? See the posts below for some info - although this issue has been ongoing for much longer than these posts

Columbia St. crash photos from 10/14 and 10/18
Accident Report from 76th Precinct
COWNA's recent attempts on this issue
Accident at Columbia and Summit 10/18
Information on the issue from CB6
Initial accident post on 10/18 (w/ numerous comments)


Anonymous said...

I don't get what a petition will do. The DOT has already done an audit of the street. And they will not make a long term decision until the Columbia Street project is finished. Have we heard anything for the DDC as to what the status is?

I'm up for a fight, but want to make sure your not wasting time going after the wrong people.

Jsteen said...

I'm not sure what exactly the petition calls for (I suggest a link to it) but if it includes traffic calming options, I strongly recommend that research is done before any specific measure is implemented. The knee jerk reaction from most people trying to slow traffic is to install speed bumps. Studies show, however, that speed bumps often increase driver speeds (between bumps), impede emergency vehicles, increase traffic noise and simply divert motorists to other streets where the problem continues. Other less obtrusive options may be better. Speedcheck signs, for instance (those displays that tell passing motorists their actual speed), have proven to have an immediate and long lasting (years) effect at slowing traffic. Redesigning roads are often an effective last measure. Let's do the research first. A nice list of links to government studies can be found at There's also a comprehensive review of several traffic calming options at Yes to smart traffic calming - no to speed bumps.