Monday, February 23, 2009

Get familiar with the local waterfront - and make your voice heard

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As I'm sure everyone knows by now, there is a major ongoing debate among residents, businesses, and city/government entities about what should become of our neighborhood's waterfront. No matter which plan is chosen, the implications for the community will be huge - as projects of this scale undoubtedly have impacts on traffic, transportation, the local economy, recreation, culture, historic preservation, public space, environment, neighborhood character and identity, and more.

A group of local residents, calling themselves Red Hook Info, have put together the Google Map above so that people can get a better sense of the space in question, what it is used for, and what might become of it. Since the development (or not) of this space is so important, people should not only get involved in voicing their opinion on the matter, but should also be informed when doing so. This map is a great tool to do just that. Keep in mind that Pier 7 and Pier 11 are the two most important pieces to the current debate.

Red Hook Info has also put a letter together asking for a better outcome in this ongoing story, and are distributing it to local residents and businesses for signature. The letter will be sent to pretty much every public official and media outlet before the upcoming CB6 meeting regarding this topic, which is on March 16th, so the idea is to get as many signatures as possible

I'll be posting this letter here once I get clearance from them to do so. Anyone interested in reading it and/or signing it beforehand can email us and we'll put you in contact with them.

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