Residents in area code 11231 have a new option for composting their kitchen scraps through this new program being put together by a local resident! Check out the information and flyer below for more info:
Red Hook Compost PickupDesigned for residents in zip code 11231 who want to compost their food wastes, but lack:
- the time
- a place to put it
- the know-how
- all of the above
Luckily, we have all of these, plus speedy bicycles...
HOW IT WORKS:Before things begin, we'll meet at your apartment. I will give you a couple BioBags, and we'll fgure out where to leave fresh bags each week thereafter. Then BEGINNING MON, APRIL 18 - MON NOV 21, here's the schedule:
Mon PM: leave your compost outside in a green Biobag
Tue AM: before the garbage guy appears, we snatch your compost and deliver a fresh bag
Tue-Mon PM: We let the microbes do the dirty work while we get to party!
Click flyer to open for larger view