The ten ships docked at Pier 7 and 8 on Columbia Street are absolutely spectacular and there is one more day to visit. I toured four ships today: two tall ships visiting from France and Mexico and two Navy ships from Japan and Canada. Friendly sailors are stationed on each ship to do demonstrations and answer questions.
My favorite has to be the tall ship Cuauhtemoc from Mexico. Speakers play traditional music and the gentlemanly sailors help the ladies step on and off. At night the masts and sails are lit with strings of white lights. We joked that it was the "party ship."
The last day of free tours is tomorrow, Monday, May 28 from 10am to 4pm. (The ships in Manhattan and Staten Island will also be open through May 29.)
PortSide created a guide to the 10 ships in Brooklyn and a webpage with all the info you need about visiting the Red Hook ships and suggestions on how to make a day of it in the Columbia Waterfront and Red Hook.
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