Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Reminder: SIgn the traffic petition!

Please remember to sign the Columbia St. traffic calming and safety petition this week.

Currently, there are petitions available for signature at:

The Coffee Den (Union and Hicks)
Everyday Athlete Kids (Columbia b/w Carroll and Summit)

This petition will serve to follow up to letters sent by COWNA in the past, and serve as an important first step in demonstrating community buy-in of the issue to elected officials, the DOT, and other city offices. Some elected officials have responded favorably to emails we've sent them, but we need to keep the issue alive and show them that it really matters to us.

Anyone who would like to volunteer to collect signatures, either on the street, in their buildings or otherwise, please let us know.

Also, if any other business has printed petitions to have available on site, please let us know and we will direct people your way as well.

UPDATE: You can also view the petition here and print out for collecting signatures from your friends and neighbors:

Columbia Street Traffic Petition

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