Sunday, March 8, 2009

Vote online to help the Greenway get funding

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is making four separate grants - each for $200,000, payable over 5 years - to support work on reducing climate change. The Brooklyn Greenway Initiative is competing to win one of these grants, and you can help them out by voting online at this link

This will be extemely helpful to the Greenway because they are eligible for $335,00 in matching funds from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund if they can raise that amount - and that money will go towards the hiring of landscape designers for three new open spaces on the Greenway, among other things.

In the current financial environment ,coming up with the required match for the funding from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund is proving challenging, but winning the Green Mountain Competition will be a big step.

For those who aren't familiar with the Greenway, it will be a 14 mile path along Brooklyn's waterfront that will include paths for biking and walking, and have connections to recreational areas, parks, and bridges. Learn more about it at their site here.

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